
Wind Power

27 Aug 2024

Energiekontor Secures Permits for New Wind Parks in Germany

27 Aug 2024  by power-technology   

Since its founding, Energiekontor has built more than 160 wind and solar parks. Credit: Piyaset / Shutterstock.

Energiekontor, a German solar and wind parks developer and operator, has secured three building permits for wind park projects.

The projects will be developed in Germany’s Lower Saxony region and will have a combined generation capacity of approximately 116MW.

The company has indicated that construction on these projects is set to commence shortly.

The upcoming projects are expected to be part of the next EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) tender by the Federal Network Agency, scheduled for November 2024.

In addition to the newly permitted projects, Energiekontor is also preparing for the financial close of several wind and solar projects.

This preparation signals the initiation of construction for additional sites, which will further extend the company’s generation capacity by over 100MW.

Energiekontor CEO Peter Szabo said: “With these new approvals, we now have a total of 36 building permits for wind and solar park projects in Germany, Scotland and France with a total nominal power of around 1.2GW.

“This means that we are close to the total generation capacity of all the projects that we have ever realised since our company was founded.

“At the same time, we have brought more projects into mature development phases than ever before. In addition to the continuous further development of our project pipeline, the task now is to successively realise these projects.”

Since its founding, Energiekontor has built more than 160 wind and solar parks, generating a total of 1.4GW.

This capacity satisfies the annual electricity needs of about 810,000 German households and helps reduce CO2 emissions by around two million tonnes each year.

The expansion of the project pipeline in the first half of 2024 highlights Energiekontor’s growth potential and underscores its role in advancing the future of renewable energy.


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