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28 Aug 2024

BC Hydro Begins Filling Site C Reservoir

28 Aug 2024  by waterpowermagazine   

C Hydro has started the process of filling the Site C reservoir, marking one of the final stages of the Site C dam project. This process will take between two to four months, with water levels expected to rise by 30cm to three meters daily.

The completed reservoir will span 83km and cover approximately 5,550 hectares, with a total surface area of 9,330 hectares.

BC Hydro has issued a public warning to stay out of the reservoir area during the filling period and for at least one year afterward due to potential hazards such as land stabilization and floating debris. The company has installed warning signs throughout the area and will notify the public when the reservoir is safe to access again.

During this time, existing boat launches will be closed, and BC Hydro’s experts will monitor the reservoir conditions. Boat launches will reopen once safety is confirmed. Updates on the reservoir filling will be available on the Site C project’s website.

BC Hydro has engaged with local communities and First Nations to address the impacts of reservoir filling through various initiatives, including open houses, field tours, and the establishment of a cultural center in the Peace region. The company has also set up a $20 million Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund to support local agriculture, as less than one percent of Class 1 to 5 agricultural land in the Peace Agricultural Region will be affected by the project.

To mitigate environmental impacts, BC Hydro has removed vegetation from the reservoir area and constructed wetlands, fish habitats, and wildlife den structures. The timing of the reservoir filling, which began in late summer, was chosen to minimize disruption to wildlife.

Despite the ongoing provincial drought, BC Hydro has assured that it will not impact the reservoir filling. The water will be sourced from the Williston Reservoir upstream, after passing through the GM Shrum and Peace Canyon generating stations. The amount of water required for Site C is significantly less than the annual discharge from the Williston Reservoir, even during a drought year.

The Site C project, which began in July 2015, is the third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeast BC. It is more than 85 percent complete, with the first generating unit expected to be operational by December 2024. The entire project, including all six generating units, is scheduled for completion by fall 2025, within the budget approved in 2021.

Once fully operational, Site C will add 1100MW of capacity and produce about 5,100GWh of electricity annually.


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