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30 Aug 2024

Drilling Completed for First Well of Haute-Sorne Geothermal Project, Switzerland

30 Aug 2024  by thinkgeoenergy   

The drilling rig at the site of the Haute-Sorne geothermal project, Switzerland (source: Geo-Energie Jura)
Drilling of the first well for the Haute-Sorne planned geothermal power project in the canton of Jura in Switzerland has officially been completed, successfully reaching the target depth of 4000 meters in less than three months. The rig is currently being demobilized while data from the drilling operations are undergoing analysis.

The next step for the project will be to conduct various tests on the borehole, which are expected to started by early 2025 and last almost a year. The decision on whether to continue with the development of the project will depend on the information collected from these tests.

Perhaps just as important is the fact that the drilling operations were completed without any seismic events.

“We are very pleased to have completed this drilling on time and without any geological incidents,” said Olivier Zingg, Director of Geo-Energie Jura.

Geo-Energie Jura is a public limited company with shareholders Geo-Energie Suisse, EBL (Genossenschaft Elektra Baselland), EWB (Energie Wasser Bern) and EWZ (Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich).

The project is a major milestone for geothermal in the region, as it is the first well drilled in the Jura Arc, between Geneva and Basel, that completely penetrates the sediments and reaches the crystalline basement.

The project has had to contend with negative public perception and significant local opposition during its course. Additional measures were put in place to address the concerns from the public, including the deployment of a predictive seismic monitoring system and the establishment of an oversight committee assigned by the Swiss federal government.


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