

03 Sep 2024

INA to Explore for Geothermal Resources in Northern Croatia

03 Sep 2024  by thinkgeoenergy   

Mursko Sredisce, Croatia (source: Andrej Neuherz, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Oil and gas company INA – Industrija nafte d.d. (INA) will be performing seismic measurements at the agricultural and forest areas of a number of territories in northern Croatia to characterize potential geothermal and hydrocarbon resources in the region.

The affected territories are the city of Mursko Sredisce and the municipalities of Gornji Mihaljevec, Selnica, Strigova, Sveti Juraj na Bregu, Sveti Marin na Muri, and Vratisinec. Based on the location of these areas, the exploration is likely in the “Medimurje 5” geothermal prospect which was awarded to INA following a tender in mid-2023.

The activities will be carried out 12 hours a day, every day of the week, from the end of August to the end of October. There is a possibility for the activity to end. The works are performed by a contracted subcontractor, the company Geofizyka Torun, under the expert supervision of INA.

INA had previously already done seismic studies in the Durdevac area for the Lescan geothermal site, which had also been awarded to the company last year.


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