
Nuclear Power

04 Sep 2024

EDF to Begin Divergence Operations at Flamanville 3 EPR Reactor, France

04 Sep 2024  by power-technology   

ASN granted EDF the divergence agreement for the Flamanville 3 reactor. Credit: 4kclips / Shutterstock.

The Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN), the French nuclear safety authority, has granted EDF a divergence agreement for the Flamanville 3 reactor.

The approval is an important step that will lead to the first nuclear reaction within the reactor, marking a significant milestone for the Flamanville European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) teams after the reactor was loaded in May 2024

The divergence process will initiate a stable nuclear reaction at a very low power – 0.2% of the reactor’s rated capacity.

Following this phase, a comprehensive test programme will be conducted to gradually increase the reactor’s power output to 25%.

This is in preparation for the Flamanville EPR’s inaugural connection to the national electricity grid, anticipated before the end of autumn 2024.

In May 2024, EDF received authorisation from ASN to begin the startup after a delay of 12 years.

Located in northwestern France, the plant has been authorised by ASN to begin the fuel loading process, carry out tests and ultimately commence operations.

The approval was granted following a thorough review process that involved 600 inspections of the reactor’s construction by the regulator.

Additional approvals will be required as the plant advances through the testing phase. ASN highlighted the critical role of these checkpoints in maintaining safety and ensuring compliance throughout the commissioning process.

In July 2024, Repsol and EDF Renewables announced an exclusivity agreement to collaborate on future offshore wind tenders in Spain and Portugal.

The partnership will combine Repsol’s emphasis on diversifying into multi-energy sectors and its knowledge of the Spanish and Portuguese markets with EDF Renewables’ expertise in both fixed and floating offshore wind projects.


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