The new SiC-MOSFET bare die for xEVs combines a proprietary chip structure and manufacturing technologies to contribute to decarbonization by enhancing inverter performance, extending driving range and improving energy efficiency in xEVs.
Mitsubishi Electric’s new power semiconductor chip is a proprietary trench SiC-MOSFET that reduces power loss by about 50% compared to conventional planar SiC-MOSFETs. Due to proprietary manufacturing technologies, such as a gate oxide film process that suppresses fluctuations in power loss and on-resistance, the new chip achieves long-term stability to contribute to inverter durability and xEV performance.
Advanced miniaturization technology, cultivated in Mitsubishi Electric’s manufacture of Si power semiconductor chips, helps reduce on-resistance compared to conventional planar SiC-MOSFETs. Oblique ion implantation instead of conventional vertical ion implantation reduces switching loss.