Prior administrative and construction authorisation, and public utility authorisation, for the Las Tadeas Solar photovoltaic installation, of 46.14 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridisation with the existing Las Tadeas wind farm, of 39.05 MW, in Paredes de Nava and Cardeñosa de Volpejera (Palencia), promoted by Capital Energy.
Application for declaration of public utility of the Obenque Solar photovoltaic installation, of 55.36 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Horche, Yebes, Valdarachas, Guadalajara and Pozo de Guadalajara (Guadalajara Province), Santorcaz and Anchuelo (Madrid Province), promoted by Verbund.
Application for recognition of public utility of the Andarríos Solar photovoltaic installation of 58.08 MW and its evacuation infrastructure in the municipalities of Villalba de los Alcores, Valdenebro de los Valles and La Mudarra, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Grupo Cobra.
Declaration of public utility of the Caparacena photovoltaic solar installation of 274.96 MW and its evacuation infrastructure in Ventas de Huelma, Cacín, Chimeneas, Cijuela, Láchar, Pinos Puente, Valderrubio, Íllora and Atarfe (Granada), promoted by Iberdrola.
Prior administrative authorisation for the Cerro del Palo photovoltaic generation module, with a power of 41.244 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure for its hybridisation with the existing wind farm, Cerro del Palo, in Vara de Rey, Sisante and Tébar (Cuenca), promoted by Iberdrola.
Prior administrative authorisation for the Hoyuelas-Rosales hybrid photovoltaic plant project, with a power of 23.760 MW, and for its evacuation infrastructure in Almansa (Albacete), promoted by Acciona.
Resolution granting Iron Power Energy, SL, the declaration of public utility, specifically, for the Iron 1 facility, with a power of 51.725 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, in Torrecilla de la Abadesa and Villalar de los Comuneros (Valladolid). The promoter company is Q Energy, belonging to Hanwha Q Cells.
Environmental impact report on the ST Palmosilla 200 MW energy storage plant project and part of its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Cádiz, promoted by Rolwind Renovables.