
Exhibition & Forum

10 Dec 2019

Nigeria International Petroleum Summit

10 Dec 2019   
Time 2020-02-09 - 2019-12-12
Place International Conference Center,Abuja,Nigeria
Industry Oil & Gas  
Tel +234 818 537 9364
+234 706 334 5050
Email [email protected]

Nigeria’s petroleum industry is the largest in Africa with proven Oil and Gas reserves of 37 billion barrels (bbl) and 192 trillion cubic feet respectively. The sector contributes about 10% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product and accounts for 95% of all exports.

Given that Nigeria’s Gas reserves have remained largely untapped, the country is expected to make a shift towards becoming a major producer and exporter of Gas.


With on-going reforms in the sector and improved engagement with host communities, Nigeria is positioning herself to be the foremost oil and gas investment destination.

The official Nigeria International Petroleum Summit will therefore create the perfect platform for the world to meet Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry players.

A meeting between key Nigerian political decision-makers, government officials as well as directors and specialists from the Ministry, NNPC and other relevant governmental bodies on the one part and Directors of National &International companies, multinational and multilateral organizations, the academia and other relevant stakeholders, etc on the other;

An international exhibition of economic operators, national and international companies and potential investors coming together to present new technologies and know-how in the petroleum sector.


The venue of the event is the International Conference Centre (ICC), located in the heart of Abuja’s business district. The Centre is easily assessable from different parts of the city. Its close proximity to a number of hotels also means travel times are quite reasonable. However, we recommend that on event days, you plan your journey in advance in case of any potential traffic hold ups around the area.


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