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Wind Power

06 Dec 2024

Danish North Sea Tender Receives No Bids

06 Dec 2024   
Denmark's North Sea offshore wind tender deadline has come and gone without a single bid for any of the three areas up for grabs.

Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, Lars Aagaard has asked the Danish Energy Agency to "engage in dialogue with the market to identify reasons for the lack of bids, given the interest in the tendering procedure expressed by a number of companies during the initial market dialogue", according to the agency.

The North Sea areas can host 3GW of capacity, and the Danish government is still accepting bids for a further 3GW of wind farms in Danish coastal waters.

The deadline for the areas closer to the coast is 1 April, 2025.

The tenders were offered without any subsidies, and with an annual concession payment.

Bidders participate by tendering a fixed concession payment to the state over 30 years for the right to use the marine area.

The concession payment is combined with 20% state co-ownership, making the Danish state a minority owner in each project under the tender structure.

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