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10 Dec 2024

Turbines Reinstalled at Meygen Tidal Array

10 Dec 2024   

Proteus Marine Renewables has reinstalled the AR1500 turbine at the MeyGen tidal array in Pentland Firth.

The company, which has had a contract for offshore services like installation and recovery at the site since 2022, prepared the subsea foundation using the onboard advanced robotic technology (ROV) and reconnected the turbine to the subsea asset using innovative tooling and systems, Proteus said.

"Despite the pressures of storm Bert, mission success and vessel off-hire was achieved within just a few hours of target", the company said.

Proteus is working with SAE Renewables, SKF Renewables, and GE Vernova to develop the next phase of the MeyGen project, including a 3MW turbine.

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