An inquiry into offshore wind in Sweden has been completed proposing that the Government replaces the developer-led process with an auction model.
Sweden’s Minister for Climate and Environment, Romina Pourmokhtari, has received the report of the inquiry into offshore wind.
The task of the inquiry has been to propose a more efficient and clear scheme for environmental assessment of offshore wind power.
The inquiry now proposes that Sweden should switch to an auction system for offshore wind power, like most of Sweden's neighbouring countries in northern Europe.
The inquiry proposes that Sweden transition to an allocation system on 1 July 2026.
With an auction system, the state can at an early stage point out areas where it is appropriate and desirable to expand wind power based on the overall interests of the sea.
“There must be clear and efficient processes for those who apply to build offshore wind.
“An auction system in which the state designates areas for offshore wind power simplifies and speeds up the processes.
“We are now looking forward to receiving the comments of the consultative bodies on the rapporteur's proposal," said Pourmokhtari.
The inquiry's report will now be analysed and prepared further within the Government offices.
The proposals also include certain regulatory simplifications that can streamline the assessment and connection process for existing offshore wind projects as well.
It does not propose any special transitional provisions for existing projects that are already in the permit process.
“Offshore wind power has the potential to deliver large amounts of electricity already in the short term.
“The projects that are already on the Swedish market must be taken advantage of, otherwise Sweden's chances of electrification and climate transition will be very negatively affected.
“In order to maintain confidence that the Swedish system can handle offshore wind power, a clear, transparent and expeditious permit review of existing projects that are already in the permit process is needed,” said Daniel Badman, CEO of Swedish Wind Energy.