

17 Dec 2019

Important Clean Energy Role of Los Azufres Geothermal Plant in Mexico

17 Dec 2019  by CFE Mexico   
Los Azufres III, Phase 1 (Unit 17) geothermal power plant, Mexico (source: ThinkGeoEnergy, creative commons)

With an installed power generation capacity of 242 MW, the Los Azufres geothermal power plant complex in Mexico plays an important role in renewable power generation in the country.

During a recent trip, the General Director of the Federal Electricity Commission of Mexico (CFE), Manuel Bartlett Díaz, toured the states of Querétaro, where he visited the “El Sauz” Combined Cycle Power Plant, a plant located in the municipality of Pedro Escobedo; and from Michoacán, where he visited the “Los Azufres” Geothermal Power Plant, located between the municipalities of Ciudad Hidalgo, Zinapécuaro and Maravatío.

During this work tour, he was informed about the generation results of both plants.

Regarding the “El Sauz” Combined Cycle Power Plant, which generates an average of 591 MW and supplies 3,900 GWh of electrical energy. During the period January to June 2019, it contributed 1,859,540 MWh to the National Electric System.

On the “Los Azufres” Geothermal Power Plant, it has an installed capacity of 242 MW and contributed 1,227 GWh of energy to the National Electric System from January to October 2019. It should be noted that the geothermal energy capacity generated by this plant is equivalent to the consumption of the state of Campeche and corresponds to 26.9% of the entire geothermal power contribution to the country. It annually avoids the emission of 140 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Bartlett Díaz, met with CFE workers in the processes of generation, transmission, distribution, basic supply and construction. He stressed that significant progress has been made to rescue the Federal Electricity Commission, as ordered by President López Obrador, stressed that the rescue of this company requires a great effort and called on workers to join this task.

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