The Ossian project, also known as the Ossian Array, is being co-developed off the east coast of Scotland by SSE Renewables, Marubeni Corporation and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).
To connect Ossian, the developers will seek consent to install subsea cables from the wind farm to a landfall in Lincolnshire and then underground cables connecting to new Ossian convertor stations.
Underground cables will connect the project’s convertor stations to National Grid’s substations, near Spalding and Alford in Lincolnshire.
These proposals, referred to as the Ossian Transmission Infrastructure, include the elements needed to connect the Ossian Array to the national grid in Lincolnshire.
From Monday 17 March to Sunday 13 April, the developers will hold a non-statutory consultation on the Ossian Transmission Infrastructure.
Members of the public are invited to hear more about the project and share their feedback online or in person.
The proposed floating wind farm has the potential to deliver up to 3.6GW of renewable energy to the UK grid once built, enough to power up to six million homes a year.
It will offset up to 7.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year, according to developers.