The ceiling price for solar and wind power has been set at €84.98/MWh. It is expected around 30 MW of generation capacity will be allocated and solar projects ranging in size from 100 kW to 2 MW will be entitled to participate.
Slovakia’s Ministry of Economy has launched the country’s first technology-neutral, large scale renewable energy auction.
Through the pilot procurement round, the government aims to allocate 30 MW of power generation capacity. Successful projects will secure 15-year feed-in premium payments on top of the wholesale electricity price.
The scale of solar projects eligible to bid for subsidies ranges from 100 kW of generation capacity to 2 MW. Non-PV facilities must be at least 500 kW in scale and can go up to 10 MW each.
Ceiling price
A ceiling price of €84.98/MWh (€0.08498/kWh) has been set for the electricity generated by solar and wind power projects with other clean energy technologies set a maximum tariff of €106.80/MWh.
Developers have until April 30 to submit bids.
Slovakian state-owned energy company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel will buy the electricity generated.
The auction is part of new clean energy and co-generation support scheme introduced by an amendment to the Act in Support of Renewable Energy Sources and High Efficiency Combined Heat and Power (Act No. 309/2009 Coll).
Slovakia has seen only a limited increase in residential and commercial solar installations in the last year and large scale projects have dried up completely.
This copy was amended on 26/02/20 to clarify solar projects in the auction can start at 100 kW of generation capacity rather than 500 kW as previously stated in the lead intro.