

19 Mar 2020

Scottish Water to Looks to Produce Hydrogen from Wastewater

19 Mar 2020  by Molly Burgess   

Water and sewage company Scottish Water has developed a new method to produce hydrogen and oxygen from its wastewater.

The process would involve using an electrolyser on the company’s wastewater treatment works to split water into hydrogen and oxygen by using electricity.

“The benefits of this technology are far-reaching,” said Zoe Frogbook, Strategic Programme Manager in Research and Innovation at Scottish Water.

“It could contribute to one of the many layers of innovative technology required to reach net zero target emissions by 2040.”

Scottish Water Horizons and its Research and Innovations teams worked with a Stratchclyde University Master of Science Student to establish whether the technology could be used with wastewater.

The results showed hydrogen production from wastewater might now be possible and could help to reduce the Scottish Water’s carbon emissions.

“We are now commission a more detailed feasibility study which will allow us to establish the economics and carbon benefits of installing the equipment and to decide if its technically and commercially viable,” said John Sammon, Business Development Team Leader with Scottish Water Horizons.

If the study is successful, it could see a pilot project using the new technology at one of the sites in the near future.

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