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Wind Power

13 Apr 2020

Total Acquires Global Wind Power France

13 Apr 2020  by Smart-Energy   

Total through its subsidiary Total Quadran has acquired a 100% stake of Global Wind Power France to accelerate its growth in renewable energy in France.

Global Wind Power France owns a 1000MW portfolio of onshore wind projects, including 250MW scheduled to come on stream by 2025.

Global Wind Power France will join Total Quadran to speed up wind energy development in France.

Philippe Sauquet, the president of Gas, Renewables and Power division at Total, said: “Following Vents d’Oc’ acquisition in 2019, this new investment demonstrates Total’s commitment to expand in all types of renewable energy while contributing to France’s energy transition goals. It strengthens Total Quadran’s footprint adding to its existing portfolio of nearly 1000 MW of installed and operated capacity, including over 500 MW of onshore wind and confirms its ambition to be one of the main players on France’s renewables market.”

Total Quadran operates over 300 renewable energy plants in France totaling over 900 MW, which generates 1 765 GWh of renewable electricity per year.

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