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Thermal Power

18 Apr 2020

Chinese Steel Plant Orders two MHPS Blast Furnace Gas-Fired Generating Units

18 Apr 2020  by PEi   

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems will deliver two blast furnace gas (BFG)-fired turbine generating systems for a power facility connected to a steel plant in China it has supplied several times over the past 15 years.

Baotou Iron and Steel Group has ordered two MHPS 165 MW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) units. These systems, with M701S (DA) X series gas turbines as their core component, will utilize the gas emitted from the blast furnace and coke oven in the steel plant.

The equipment for this project will be delivered to Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Union Co., Ltd., a Baotou Steel Group company located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Shipments to the China plant will begin next year. This is the third expansion for the Baotou Steep Group since 2005, with MHPS supplying the GTCC generating units both of the previous times (2005 and again in 2012).

BFG-fired GTCC generating units comprise a gas turbine, heat recovery boiler, steam turbine, power generator, gas compressor and auxiliary equipment. MHPS will manufacture the M701S (DA) X series gas turbines at its Takasago Works in Hyogo Prefecture, and use generators made by Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

Blast furnace gas has a lower calorie rating than natural gas, so other technology is required to ensure stable combustion in the gas turbine. MHPS has developed special combustors and other proprietary BFG-fired GTCC power generation technologies.

The company has provided numerous systems for steelworks in its native Japan and around the world.

Baotou Steel Group, established in 1954, produces iron, steel, rolled steel products, and rare earths.

On-site power and Gas-fired Turbines and Technologies will be two of the content tracks offered in the POWERGEN International conference workshops. POWERGEN 2020 is happening December 8-10 in Orlando.


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