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14 May 2020

Duglas Alliance and Stucky Join Forces for Hydropower Development

14 May 2020  by Water Power Magazine   

British firm Duglas Alliance Ltd and Swiss engineering company Stucky Ltd have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding that will see the firms cooperating in hydropower development in the in the Caucasus, Central Asian and African regions.


It is expected that under the partnership company Stucky will participate in design, construction and operation of hydropower facilities, perform supervision of construction works and facilities commissioning, and also prepare tender documents and support joint projects in the matters of contracts and supply. Duglas Alliance, in turn, will render comprehensive services on specialized researches and surveys; construction of power, hydropower and industrial facilities and infrastructure; consultancy and management of the projects at different stages of their implementation; provision of the projects with materials, machinery and equipment.

Duglas Alliance is a multibusiness company that performs comprehensive development and implementation of the projects in the field of industrial and industrial-energy construction. Offices of the company are located in Great Britain, Ukraine, Estonia and Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Engineers from the company were involved in the implementation of such projects as Can Don and Nam Chien hydropower plants in Vietnam, Deriner hydropower plant in Turkey, Shulbinsk and Bukhtarma hydropower plant in Kazakhstan, provided operation of Dneprovskaya-2, and developed documents for power plants in Ukraine, Belarus, Vietnam, Turkey and Georgia. The company is currently implementing a hydropower plant construction project in the continental part of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea on the Wele river near Sendje village.

Stucky Ltd is an engineering and consultancy company in the field of dam, hydropower and infrastructure design and construction. The company was founded by Professor Alfred Stucky, of Lausanne Polytechnic University, a pioneer in dam and hydropower design. Offices and branches of the company are located in Switzerland, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, India, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Serbia, Turkey and Tajikistan. The company has extensive experience of cooperation with international institutes such as: World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, International Finance Corporation, etc.

Presently Stucky Ltd. is involved in implementation of such projects as rehabilitation of the Golovnaya and Nurek hydropower plants in Tajikistan, rehabilitation of At-Bashy hydropower plant in Kirgizstan and Mwadingusha hydropower plant in Democratic Republic of Congo.

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