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Nuclear Power Plant
Frequency of Sudden Nuclear Power Plant Shutdowns Increasing
Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Cho Jeong-sik remarked on Oct. 12 that a total of 18 nuclear power plant shutdowns occurred in South Korea from 2016 to Augus…
Oil & Gas Trade
US Sanctions Chinese, UAE Firms Skirting Iran Oil Embargo
The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions against 11 Iranian, Chinese and United Arab Emirates companies accused of helping to bypass the American embargo…
Oil & Gas Trade
Libya to Export Only Oil Accumulated in Terminals, LNA Says
Libya, following the resumption of the operation of oil facilities, will export only oil accumulated in port terminals, crude produced at deposits will not be e…
Oil&Gas Drilling
Eni Confirms Gas Potential in Discovery Offshore Vietnam
Italian oil and gas company Eni has discovered a significant hydrocarbon accumulation on the Ken Bau discovery located in Block 114, Song Hong Basin, offshore V…
Oil & Gas Trade
Texas Oil Regulator Accuses Saudi Arabia and Russia of Dumping Crude on U.S. Markets
Urge the federal government to investigate and take appropriate action against Saudi Arabia and Russia for excessive crude dumping.
Energy Technology
Equinor to Build CCS-Based “Blue” Hydrogen Plant in the UK
Norwegian state-owned energy company Equinor has announced its intention to build a large environmentally-friendly “blue” hydrogen facility in Hull, UK.
Nuclear Technology
South Africa: Participants Urged to Present Accurate Data for Nuclear Programme
South African industry associations have welcomed the Request for Information (RFI) for the 2,500MW nuclear new build programme recently published by the Depart…
Power Construction
China to Construct 1,124MW Power Project in Pok Under CPEC
China under the multi-billion-dollar CPEC will set up a 1,124-megawatt power project in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir despite India's objection to it, according to …
Comprehensive Review on Natural Hydrogen Shows that it has been Underestimated
Earth-Science Reviews journal has published in March 2020 the article entitled “The occurrence and geoscience of natural hydrogen: A comprehensive review”.
Invited for Providing Parker Accumulator Charger Kit
Tender are Invited for Providing Parker Accumulator Charger Kit (Steel Making).
Sudden Widespread Biodiversity Losses Could Occur Around the Globe from Climate Change
A warming planet may lead to swift, possibly catastrophic reductions throughout this century, study.
Oil Price
Oil Could Fall Back To $20
Oil demand is set to plunge by as much as 27 million barrels per day (mb/d) in April, a decline larger than anything that has occurred in the history of oil.
Oil Shale
Saudi Arabia Denies Trying to kill US Shale, Shifts Blame for Oil Supply Glut on Russia
Rejecting the accusation as “fully devoid of truth,” Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud insisted that the Kingdom is and has always been …
Smart Grid
Study: Modern Electric Grid Needs Smarter Modeling for Improved Resilience
Power systems and communication networks are increasingly interdependent, which can affect the response and recovery times when problems occur.
Wind Turbine
Israel Prosecutes Leaders From Golan for Opposing Wind Turbines
The Israeli Magistrates Court in Nazareth held trial Tuesday evening of well-respected leaders from the occupied Golan, who opposed the Israeli project to insta…
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