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Belt and Road
132 kv substation on mechanical joint work
Tenders are invited for 132 kv substation on mechanical joint work
Polypropylene project of petrochina liaoyang petrochemical company
Tenders are invited for Dcs for 300 kta high performance polypropylene project of petrochina liaoyang petrochemical company
Tweed Renewable Power Purchase Agreement
Tenders are invited for Tweed Renewable Power Purchase Agreement
COVID-19 Causes 6 Per Cent Electricity Use Drop in Peru
Peru's electricity consumption fell by 6% in March.
Oil & Gas Trade
Crude Cuts: Nigeria to Earn $10.61bn in Eight Months
Nigeria may earn about $10.61bn from crude oil sales between May and December this year following latest decision by members and non-members of the Organisation…
Solar Company
RayGen and KMI (Jiangyin) Announce Strategic Alliance
Jiangyin Kinematics Manufacturing Co., Ltd and RayGen Resources Pty Ltd have recently formalised a strategic alliance that will include the supply of world-lead…
Crude Oil
Kazakhstan to Cut Oil Production by 390,000 Barrels Per Day
Kazakhstan will reduce oil production by 390,000 barrels per day for a period of two months under the OPEC + agreement.
Geothermal Power Plant
Geothermal Projects in Turkey Paralyzed Over COVID-19 Shutdown
Supply chain interruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic brought seven projects of 100 MW in total to a halt.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle
BREYTNER to Demonstrate VDL's Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck
A 27-ton hydrogen fuel cell truck built by VDL has begun its first demonstration with BREYTNER as part of the EU-funded H2-Share project in Schelluinen.
Ultra-high voltage grid
State Grid Resumes Construction of 800 kV HVDC Line in China
Construction works had been suspended in the Hubei province, the epicentre of the global coronavirus pandemic.
Wind Turbine
India's Wind Installation for 2020 Likely to Fall Drastically
The coronavirus-led lockdown has blown away India’s wind energy target for 2020, as all major turbine manufacturers, including Siemens Gamesa, Vestas.
Crude Oil
China's March Crude Oil Imports Rose 4.5 Per Cent y/y on Stockpiling
China's crude oil imports in March rose 4.5 per cent from a year earlier, according to official customs data.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Japan's 2018/19 Greenhouse Emissions Fall 3.9% to Record Low
Japan's greenhouse gas emissions fell 3.9 per cent to a record low in the year ended March 2019.
Nuclear Power Plant
Rosatom Facility Awarded to Design the New Russian Megascience Installation that Would be Used for Anti-virus Research
The Central Design and Technological Institute, an enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company, has signed the government awarded contract for design of the Cent…
Tidal Energy
WaveBoost Project Unlocks Tidal Energy Insights
A three-year tidal energy project funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 has concluded and been hailed a success by its consortium partners.
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