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Electric Vehicle Charging
BP to Layout 400 Ultra-Fast EV Charging-Points Across The UK
Oil giant BP has announced the start of its rollout of 400 ultra-fast electric vehicle (EV) charging-points across the UK. The firm will launch the network thou…
Shale Gas
Russian Giant Gazprom Saw the Highest Production Growth
Russian giant Gazprom saw the highest production growth over the last five years, followed by shale gas players in the US and China, while BP dominates among th…
Wind Turbine
World's Largest Wind Turbine Blade Made by LM Wind Power Arrives in UK for Testing
The world’s largest wind turbine blade has arrived in the UK for testing at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult facility in Northumberland.
Electric Car
$24 Million For EV Charging Stations In San Mateo County
Once upon a time, I worked for San Mateo County, so it is especially exciting for me to see that the Silicon Valley county is about to throw a ton of eggs into …
Oil&Gas Drilling
What is Hydraulic Fracturing? A Controversial Source of Energy
The US is the world leader in fracking and natural gas in the world. Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a common target for environmental protesto…
Development Finance Corporation to Boost U.S. Competitiveness on Energy
Discussion draft to focus on Ex-Im Bank, Development Finance Corporation to boost U.S. competitiveness on energy.
Nuclear Power Plant
Three Mile Island Turned the Nation Against Nuclear Energy
Three Mile Island turned the nation against nuclear energy. Now the notorious complex is closing just as some say it still has a role to play.
Oil&Gas Drilling
NNPC Called on the Chinese Government to Increase its Investment in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Thursday, called on the Chinese government to increase its investment in infrastructural development in the N…
Solar Power Panel
Victoria Solar “Mess”for Rooftop Solar Rebate Continues
Victoria’s state Labor government has narrowly avoided a parliamentary inquiry into its controversial rooftop solar rebate, after the state opposition’s bid t…
Wind Power Tower
Taiwan's Offshore Wind Training Center Gets GWO Accreditation
Taiwan's first offshore wind energy training center has secured Global Wind Organisation (GWO) accreditation to deliver Basic Safety Training (BST) and Basic Te…
Solar Power Plant
Atlas Handed A Long-Term Solar PPA Agreement with Utility Engie Energía in Chile
Atlas Renewable Energy has landed a long-term PPA agreement with utility Engie Energía, which will help support the development of a 230MW-plus solar farm in C…
Department of Energy Announces $40 Million in Encouraging Hydrogen Deployment
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced approximately $40 million in FY 2019 funding for 29 projects to advance the H2@Scale concept.
Hydrogen Project
Net Zero Carbon Emissions is Impossible With Hydrogen
The North West Hydrogen Alliance (NWHA) is calling for Government investment in hydrogen projects to meet ambitious carbon reductions targets in the UK.
Solar Technology
The NREL Advances in The Production of High Efficiency Solar Cells
Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( NREL , United States) have improved their method and accelerated the process, which would allow To be h…
Indonesia Hopes to Raise the Geothermal Power Capacity from the Current 2GW to 7.2GW
The capacity would be an increase from less than 2GW of geothermal power currently, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’s Director General of Renewabl…
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