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The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA)
Our mission is to champion the Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell sector, strengthen its leadership and accelerate the commercialization of members’ products and …
Hydrogen Energy - Current Regulatory Framework for Hydrogen
Proponents of hydrogen production projects should consider existing international standards on hydrogen as a guideline to potential Australian regulations and c…
Innovative AI System to Make U.S. Army More Efficiency in Fuel Cells
The U.S. Army faces in the need for long-lasting power and batteries for warfighters,they want to developed an artificial intelligence system that officials say…
2019 Hyundai Nexo Earns the TOP SAFETY PICK+ Award from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
The 2019 Hyundai Nexo, a new hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, earns the TOP SAFETY PICK+ award from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety for vehicles built aft…
The Use of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles for Garbage Collection Examined by Gelsendienste
In Gelsenkirchen there is currently a special garbage collection vehicle on the road, with which not only garbage cans are emptied, but at the same time records…
Laserlab-Europe has entered a new phase of its successful cooperation: the Consortium now brings together 33 leading organisations in laser-based inter-discipli…
League of EU Accelerator-Based Photon Sources
LEAPS deploys its substantial collective knowledge, experience and expertise in synchrotron and FEL science and technology, Research Infrastructure management, …
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
The ESRF is the world's most intense X-ray source and a centre of excellence for fundamental and innovation-driven research in condensed and living matter scien…
Grand Accélérateur Nationald' Ions Lourds
GANIL is an economic interest group . The Centre national de la recherche scientifique and the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternative…
Science & Technology Facilities Council
We are a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, and our goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK a…
Wind Power Company
Orsted Recorded Operating Profit of Dkr3.6bn (€495m) for The Second Quarter
The Danish offshore wind developer said the increase was driven by a 29% jump in earnings from offshore wind farms in operation, mainly due to the ramp up of it…
Joint Accelerators for Nano-science and Nuclear Simulation
JANNuS federates major technical and scientific skills in the fields of ion beam assisted synthesis, implantation/irradiation induced modification of materials …
US - Canada Have Recorded A 59% Growth in Zero Energy Buildings
The US and Canada have recorded a 59% growth in zero energy buildings, according to a new study conducted by TEAM ZEro. The study found that 22,146 units are ei…
Energy Storage Canada (ESC)
Energy Storage Canada (ESC) is the national association for the energy storage industry in Canada and represents the full supply chain of energy storage.
Clean Energy Group (CEG)
Clean Energy Group (CEG) is a leading national, nonprofit advocacy organization working on innovative policy, technology, and finance strategies in the areas of…
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