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Seafuel Project to Convert Seawater into Sustainable Hydrogen Energy
The Seafuel project is a European initiative that aims to convert seawater into sustainable hydrogen fuel to be used by island regions.
EU Carbon Prices Hit an 11-year High
After a decade of single-digit prices, the cost of carbon has been rising for the last 19 months following moves by EU lawmakers to reduce the number of free pe…
Oil&Gas Drilling
EU Threatens Sanctions on Turkey over Cyprus Drilling
The European Union is set to curb contacts and funding for Ankara in retaliation for what it calls Turkey’s “illegal” drilling for gas and oil off Cyprus and…
EU-Backed Fund to Invest millions into Southern European PV
Southern European PV is to reap a multi-million funding boost via an investment fund backed by strategic EU programmes.
Chinese Energy Policy Change Drags on Global 1H Renewables Spend
In Europe, Spain reeled in $3.7bn, up 235% on the same period a year earlier, and the UK was up 35%, at $2.5bn. But in the Netherlands investment was 41% lower …
Aggressive U.S. Energy Policy Tests Ties with European Allies
For the administration of President Donald Trump, a policy of “energy dominance” means reducing dependence on imported oil and promoting exports to boost the …
Offshore Wind Power
Unveil New European Wind Atlas for Site Assessment
European researchers have launched the New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) which is expected to support the identification of optimal sites for new wind farm project…
Wind Power Project
Finland to Take 850MW Leap Into Wind Power
Finnish funding and wealth management company Taaleri Energia Funds Management has raised €220 million thus far for investment into wind and solar energy asset…
Nuclear Fuel
European Parties to a Nuclear Deal with Iran Say They have “Deep Concern”
European powers accused Iran on Tuesday of “pursuing activities inconsistent with its commitments” under a 2015 nuclear deal and called for an urgent meeting …
The European Commission' s Latest Reports on Gas and Electricity Markets Covering the First Quarter of 2019
The European Commission’s latest reports on gas and electricity markets, which cover the first quarter of 2019, have just been published, containing a wide ran…
Offshore Wind Power
Vattenfall Cooperation with ORE Catapult Launch Offshore Wind Testing Programme
Swedish state-owned utility Vattenfall AB and UK research centre Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult today introduced a new GBP-1.5-million (USD 1.87m/EUR …
First All-New Hyundai NEXO Arrives in Switzerland
The first car arrived and was accepted by Roland Gysel, Swiss entrepreneur and H2 electric driver three years ago and now he will soon be switching from the ix3…
Oil and Gas Remained Part of Key Solutions in Combating Climate Change
The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said on Monday that it believes oil and gas remained part of key solutions in combating climate change.
Renewables Catching Nuclear Power In Global Energy Race
This article is the fifth in a series on BP's recently-released Statistical Review of World Energy 2019. Previous articles in this series covered carbon dioxide…
Nuclear Fuel
Iran to Pressure Europe into Honoring its Commitments under the Accord
Europe’s unwillingness to bypass Washington’s unilateral sanctions and do business with the Islamic Republic has compelled Iran to take action, Seyed Mohammad…
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