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Power Construction
Goldwind Australia Signs Grid Deal for Coppabella
Agreement with TransGrid covers connection of New South Wales onshore project.
Carbon Neutral
Biden Could Take Quick First Steps on Long Climate Policy Road
Joe Biden has promised sweeping measures to make the U.S. economy carbon neutral by 2050 to put the United States on a path to cut emissions as deeply as scient…
Thermal Plant
CEEC Builds First Unit of Cambodia's Dual-Fuel Power Station Connects to the grid
The first unit of Cambodia's 200 MW dual-fuel power station, which was contracted and constructed by China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd., was connected to …
Energy Storage System
Electricity Storage can Play Crucial Role in Carbon Reduction in Mexico, Study Finds
Large scale electricity storage can accelerate Mexico’s green transition, a study from the Danish Energy Agency and Mexico’s INECC finds.
Nuclear Power Plant
Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant’s First Unit has Been Connected to the Grid
The first power unit of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant has been connected to the grid and supplied electricity to the Belarus power system.
Solar Power Plant
Schornhof Solar Park Connected to German Power Grid
Renewable energy company Statkraft has announced that the first 30MWp of the Schornhof solar park near Ingolstadt, Bavaria, has been connected to the German pow…
Nuclear Power Plant
UAE’s Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant Connects to National Grid & Accelerates Power Plans
The UAE is changing the way it powers its future growth.
Oil Pipeline
China's Sinopec Completes Qingdao-Nanjing Gas Pipeline Construction
The 536.13-kilometre pipeline, which also connects to the existing Sichuan-East gas pipeline, is expected to help improve energy security in China's eastern dev…
Nuclear Power Plant
Leningrad NPP Unit 6 Connected to Grid, Delivers First Electricity to Russian Power System
23th October 2020, Sosnovy Bor, Russia. The Leningrad NPP Unit 6 equipped with Rosatom’s flagship Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactor was connected to the grid a…
Power Construction
50Hertz and Energinet Unveil World’s First Offshore Interconnector
German transmission system operator 50Hertz and Danish system operator Energinet have inaugurated the world’s first hybrid offshore interconnector to link Germ…
Oil & Gas Trade
Israel And The UAE Sign Historic Oil Deal
Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed this week a preliminary agreement under which crude oil from OPEC’s third-largest producer could be shipped to Europ…
Intersolar Europe 2021
"Connecting Solar Business"Intersolar Europe is the world's leading exhibition for the solar industry. Both the exhibition and the conference focus on the a…
Hydropower Plant
Uganda Waits for Karuma Hydropower Dam to Lower Power Tariffs
If all goes according to plan, the Karuma hydropower dam will be connected to the national grid before the end of this year, a move that could bring down the co…
Electricity Trade
Great Britain Could Become a Net Exporter of Power by 2040s
Cornwall Insight’s ‘Benchmark Power Curve’ predicts that by the 2040s Great Britain (GB) could be an annual net exporter of power to the European continent t…
North Macedonia Submits Draft National Energy Climate Plan to Energy Community
North Macedonia is the first Energy Community Contracting Party to submit its draft National Energy and Climate Plan to the Secretariat.
1195 Items