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Solar Power Plant
France Chooses First Crop of Names for PV Repowering of Nuclear Site
France has marked progress with its programme to roll out solar in an area hosting its oldest nuclear plant, selecting its first batch of PV project winners.
Nuclear Power Plant
Hinkley Point C Nuclear Project to Run up to £2.9bn Over Budget
French energy company EDF recently announced that the construction of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant in Somerset, England will cost between £1.9bn and…
Pakistan's Current Energy Mix And its Plans for A Renewable Energy Future
According to US government statistics, Pakistan’s energy mix is formed of 64% fossil fuels, 27% hydropower and 9% other renewables and nuclear power.
Nuclear Fuel
CNNC Started Mass Production of China Fuel 3 (CF3) Fuel Assemblies for HPR1000
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has started mass production of China Fuel 3 (CF3) fuel assemblies for the domestically-designed HPR1000 (Hualong One) …
Nuclear Power Plant
Westinghouse to Buy Rolls-Royce's North American Civil Nuclear Unit
U.S. nuclear energy firm Westinghouse Electric Co said on Thursday it would buy Rolls-Royce Holding’s (RR.L) Civil Nuclear Systems and Services business in Nor…
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Energy may have a Limited Future in the UK if the Labour Gets into Power
Even as the country’s main opposition party vows to drastically cut carbon emissions in the next decade, it also wants to rein in the expansion of one of the c…
Nuclear Power Plant
Hinkley Nuclear Power Station has Proved more Costly than They First Imagined
The cost of building the new nuclear power station at Hinkley is estimated to increase by between £1.9 billion and £2.9 billion. French energy giant EDF said …
The Australian Workers Union Supports the Lifting of The Country's Ban on Nuclear Energy
The Australian Workers Union (AWU) has told a federal government roundtable event that it supports the lifting of the country's ban on nuclear energy. The union…
Nuclear Technology
Chernobyl Used Fuel Store Ready for Commissioning
Holtec International has announced completion of the pre-commissioning programme, or 'cold tests', for the Chernobyl Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility…
Nuclear Technology
Can Nuclear Energy be Green?
European Union governments are set to approve criteria to define which investments can be labelled sustainable, EU documents show, although some states have alr…
Nuclear Technology
Nuclear Power is Losing Ground to Renewables in Terms of both Cost and Capacity
Nuclear power is losing ground to renewables in terms of both cost and capacity as its reactors are increasingly seen as less economical and slower to reverse c…
Nuclear Technology
Lightbridge Demonstrates SMR Fuel Rod Manufacturing
Lightbridge Corporation and Enfission, LLC have demonstrated the manufacturing process and fabrication of Lightbridge Fuel surrogate rods in a length that could…
Nuclear Power Plant
Three Mile Island Unit 1 has Been Shut Down for Economic Reasons
Operators took the 819 MWe (net) pressurised water reactor offline for the final time at midday on 20 September, after it set a site record of 709 continuous da…
Nuclear Technology
IAEA Report Says Global Power Demand Requires Large Increase in Nuclear
In 2018, nuclear power produced about 10% of the world’s electricity, accounting for around one-third of all low carbon electricity.
Nuclear Power Plant
Central Asia Commits to Affordable and Clean Energy
Energy ministers from across Central Asia today committed their countries to collaborating on meeting the United Nations' seventh Sustainable Development Goal (…
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