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South Carolina Electric and Gas Company
South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G), a subsidiary ofSCANA Corporation, is an operator of theVirgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station
Tekhsnabexport (Tenex), a subsidiary of Rosatom, is a provider of nuclear fuel cycle products and services.
Teollisuuden Voima
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj is an operator of theOlkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) is the largest nuclear operator in Japan. It operates theFukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant,Fukushima Daini Nuclea…
The TVEL Fuel Company (TVEL) is a Russian nuclear fuel cycle company headquartered in Moscow. It works mainly in uranium mining and the production of nuclear fu…
Urenco Group
The Urenco Group is a nuclear fuel company operating several uranium enrichment plants in Germany, the Netherlands, United States, and United Kingdom.
US Nuclear Corp
US Nuclear Corp is a radiation and chemical detection holding company specializing in the development and manufacturing and sales of radiation and chemical dete…
Westinghouse Electric Company
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC is a US based nuclear power company formed in 1999 from the nuclear power division of the original Westinghouse Electric Corpo…
Nuclear Power Plant
Japan may Have to Dump Radioactive Water into the Sea
Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power (9501.T) will have to dump radioactive water from its destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean as it runs ou…
Nuclear Power Plant
Top Ten Biggest Nuclear Power Plants in China
China is the ninth largest country in terms of nuclear power capacity, with 48 nuclear power plants in operations and another nine under construction.
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP)
KHNP is a public enterprise indirectly owned by the Government of Korea via KEPCO.
State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC)
As the only integrated energy group in China that holds assets of nuclear power, thermal power, hydropower and new energies simultaneously.
Nuclear Power Plant
Saudi Arabia Wants to Enrich Uranium for its Nuclear Power Program
Saudi Arabia wants to enrich uranium for its nuclear power program, its energy minister said on Monday, potentially complicating talks with Washington on an ato…
Nuclear Fuel
Iran Started Up Advanced Centrifuges in Latest Nuclear Step
Iran has started up advanced centrifuges to boost its stockpile of enriched uranium but will allow the UN atomic agency to continue monitoring its nuclear progr…
Nuclear Technology
The Time has Passed for Australia to Build Large Nuclear Plants
THE time has passed for Australia to build large nuclear plants, but it could still make use of small modular reactors to power industry. This is the view of nu…
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