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Nuclear Power Plant
Rosatom has Formally Submitted a Bid to Take Part in the Construction of NPP
Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear energy corporation, has formally submitted a bid to take part in the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in …
Nuclear Power Plant
Rosatom Delivers Equipment for Unit 3 of Kudankulam Nuclear Plant in India
The delivered equipment comprises the molten core catcher, embedded parts of the reactor pit, dry protection, heat-insulation of the cylindrical shell/barrel, t…
Nuclear Power Plant
The European Bank Consider the Commercial Financing of Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning
"Longer term I think we need to move away from dealing with legacies and work with countries interested in financing safety improvements and waste management pr…
Atommash has Completed Hydraulic Tests of the Reactor Vessel
Atommash, part of the Volgodonsk branch of AEM Technology, has completed hydraulic tests of the reactor vessel of the MBIR multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutr…
Nuclear Power Plant
Batan to Cooperate with Indonesian Power Company
Indonesia's National Atomic Energy Agency has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with utility PT Indonesia Power to cooperate in the use of nuclear tech…
Nuclear Power Plant
Regulators formalise technical collaboration on SMR regulation
The US Department of Energy has awarded funds to build SMR simulators at three US universities.
Nuclear Power Plant
Three Mile Island Turned the Nation Against Nuclear Energy
Three Mile Island turned the nation against nuclear energy. Now the notorious complex is closing just as some say it still has a role to play.
Is Thorium the Fuel of the Future to Revitalize Nuclear?
This trend could continue until market forces make nuclear technology obsolete. Into this dynamic comes a resurgence in nuclear technology: liquid fluoride thor…
Rosatom Postpones Fast Neutron Reactor Programme
Rosenergoatom is expected to receive about RUB280 billion (USD4 billion) less in state funding for the construction of new nuclear reactors in Russia owing to t…
Research Center for Nuclear Physics
Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP) of Osaka University is a joint research center with the largest accelerator facility on a university campus in Japan.…
Nuclear Energy Agency
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates co-operation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructures to…
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
The Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS) was established in 1946 to provide support for basic research by faculty and research staff members in the fields of nu…
China Nuclear Energy Association(CNEA)
The China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA), as a national non-profit nongovernmental organization, was established on April 18, 2007.
Bates Research and Engineering Center
Bates was established in the late 1960s as a National User Facility for Nuclear Physics, supported by the Department of Energy.
Institute for Structure & Nuclear Astrophysics
Since the late 1930s, the University of Notre Dame has supported an active research program in the fields of low and medium energy experimental nuclear physics.
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