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Nuclear Power Plant
Cutting Corners on Such Critical Safety Measures may Eventually Lead to a Disaster
“It would be a mistake to attempt to make nuclear power more cost-competitive by weakening NRC’s vital safety oversight. Cutting corners on such critical safe…
Micro Reactor
China Launches Small Reactor Project in Push for Nuclear Dominance
China has started building its first small modular reactor (SMR) project on the island province of Hainan, the state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (C…
Nuclear Power Plant
Kenya has contracted a Chinese firm-With CNNC to Built first Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency said it has contracted a Chinese firm- China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)- determine the most suitable location in an…
Nuclear Power Plant
Three Units have been Unplugged at a Nuclear Power Plant in Russia
The Tver region branch of Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry told the agency the three reactors were taken down due to a short-circuit.
Micro Reactor
Canada Starts The Environmental Assessment of Micro Modular Reactor
The Canadian government has issued the notice of commencement of an environmental assessment for a small modular reactor project proposed by Global First Power.
Nuclear Fuel
What America Should Do About Nuclear Power of The Middle East
As the United States continues to address the nuclear ambitions of Iran—currently resulting in sanctions and tensions in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz…
Nuclear Power Plant
CNNC Will Pick Kenya's First Nuclear Power Plant Location
The Indian Ocean, Lake Victoria and Lake Turkana have been identified as top contenders for hosting the first nuclear power plant that Kenya plans to build in t…
Nuclear Policy
France, Germany, and the UK Reaffirm Commitment to Iran Deal
France, Germany, and the UK - together known as the E3, as the three founding members of the European Union - issued a joint statement yesterday reaffirming the…
Nuclear Policy
EU Desperately Trying to Prevent Iran Nuclear Deal Unravelling Completely
European foreign ministers met Monday for crisis talks on the Iran nuclear deal, as Britain warned the "small window" to save the accord was closing, with Tehra…
Nuclear Policy
Russia's Nuclear Power Sector "Continues to Benefit" from Supportive Government Policy
What Makes Russia's Nuclear Sector Competitive - says state support includes capacity-supply agreements, ad hoc equity contributions from the government, and l…
Nuclear Fuel
The Trump Administration Said Uranium Imports were Hurting Their Businesses
The Trump administration did not take the action sought by US uranium producers, who said imports were hurting their businesses.
Nuclear Power Plant
Uzbekistan Adds Second Plant to Nuclear Power Goal
Uzbekistan has decided it now wants to build four nuclear power units and not just two as previously stated, Alisher Sultanov, the country's energy minister, sa…
Nuclear Power Plant
Warsaw is Pushing Hard for New Gas and Nuclear Plants
Replacing Poland’s obsolete coal power fleet is a top political priority for the country, both for environmental and energy security reasons.
Nuclear Technology
NRC has Licensed the First Entirely Digital Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation and Control System
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has licensed the first entirely digital nuclear reactor instrumentation and control system in the USA, at a university-base…
Nuclear Fuel
Russia Supplies Fuel for China’s Fast Reactor
Russian fuel company Tvel (part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom) has supplied fuel for China’s Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR).
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