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Nuclear Technology
Rosatom Rresents Its Innovative Nuclear and Hydro Solutions for Zimbabwe
Rosatom Central and Southern Africa presented its innovative solutions in nuclear and hydro for both on-grid and remote off-grid systems at the Zimbabwe 2nd Ren…
Nuclear Fuel
The Secret To Avoiding Another Nuclear Disaster
Three Mile Island, Fukushima, Chernobyl. While nuclear accidents are extremely rare, they loom large in the public conscience, making nuclear energy a hard sell…
Nuclear Power Plant
Russia to Float Nuclear Plant to Arctic
The power station named the Akademik Lomonsov is set to be transported from St Petersburg, across the Northern Sea, to a mineral-rich region near the port town …
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Fuel Transfer Resumes at Fukushima Daiichi
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has resumed work to remove nuclear fuel from one of the damaged reactor buildings.
Ghana Announced Plans to Introduce Nuclear into Energy Mix - Minister
Government has announced plans to introduce nuclear power into the country’s energy mix and will take between 10 to 15 years for the realisation of the vision …
Nuclear Policy
World Powers Urge Iran To Stick To Terms Of Nuclear Deal
In a joint statement on July 2, the foreign ministers of Germany, Britain, and France and the EU foreign policy chief urged Iran to “reverse this step and to r…
Energy White Paper
Japan Will Explore New Avenues for Energy Self-Sufficiency
Japan’s government this June adopted a new energy white paper that suggests the country must rely on a larger share of nuclear and renewables to slash its carb…
Nuclear Policy
CBI Urges Investment in Nuclear Power and Carbon Capture
Lobbying business group the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has urged the UK Government to build new nuclear power stations in order to achieve net-zero…
Nuclear Policy
French Public Sees Continued Use of Nuclear Energy
The majority of French people believe nuclear energy will continue to play a significant role in the country's future energy mix, according to the results of a …
Nuclear Fuel
Iran Is About To Exceed Uranium Limits. Is The Nuclear Deal Dying?
"I think it's a major bridge for them to go across," says David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, which monitors Iran…
Nuclear Technology
UK’s low-carbon transition needs nuclear technologies, says ETI report
New nuclear plants are well-placed to form a major part of an affordable low-carbon transition in the UK, the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) says in a repo…
Nuclear Power Plant
Alarm Bell on Decline of Nuclear Power Way too Late
Recently, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that neglect of the world’s nuclear electric generating plants would lead to a precipitous decline in cl…
Nuclear Policy
Australians Urged to Adopt Nuclear Power
The Australian Nuclear Association (ANA) has appealed to Australians to understand that nuclear energy is ready to make a valuable contribution to low emission …
Nuclear Power Plant
Call for Innovation in Nuclear Power Plant Operation
The IAEA said the 'Call to Action' forms the basis of developing actionable items for deployment and implementation beyond the event itself.
Nuclear Power Plant
Can Artificial Intelligence Save The Nuclear Industry?
Despite an ever more positive public opinion, the nuclear industry in the United States, the largest in the world, is currently experiencing a downturn, even go…
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