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Nuclear reactor
Nuclear Reactor
MHI to Develop Japanese Fast Reactor
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has been selected by the Japanese government to lead the conceptual design of a demonstration sodium-cooled fast reactor that …
Nuclear Reactor
Reactor Vessel and Steam Generators Shipped to Xudapu
Four steam generators and the reactor vessel for unit 3 at the Xudapu nuclear power plant have a combined weight of 1700 tonnes and are being transported from R…
Nuclear Reactor
IAEA Assesses Canada's Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV team has concluded a five-day follow-up mission to review the emergency prepar…
Nuclear Reactor
First Submissions for Canadian Review of Evinci Design
Westinghouse Electric Company has submitted the first set of documents to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for the pre-licensing vendor design revi…
Nuclear Reactor
Argentina's Ra-10 Research Reactor Aiming to Be Operational in 2025
The RA-10 multipurpose research reactor is about 80% completed, with civil works to be finished within three months and expectations it will be operating in 202…
Nuclear Reactor
India's Kakrapar 3 Begins Commercial Operation
The first Indian-designed 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) has begun commercial operation in Gujurat - almost three years after reaching first cri…
Nuclear Reactor
Minireactor Cost Surge Threatens Nuclear's Next Big Thing
Small modular reactors are designed to generate less than 300 megawatts, compared with over 1,000 megawatts or more at large plants. | GETTY IMAGES / VIA BLOOMB…
Nuclear Reactor
Framatome's Protect Fuel to Be Tested in French Reactor
Framatome has signed a collaboration agreement with EDF to test its PROtect enhanced accident tolerant fuel (EATF) technology. Under the agreement, four lead fu…
IAEA sees progress made by SMR deployment initiative
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last year launched a new initiative aimed at accelerating the safe and secure deployment of advanced nuclear react…
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
Korea Reacts to Nuclear Demand With Plans for 10 Overseas Plants
The fourth and last unit of the Barakah nuclear reactor in the United Arab Emirates built by Korean companies [KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION]Korea is looking…
Nuclear Reactor
MOX Fuel Tests for Vver Reactors Under Way
Testing has begun on VVER-type fuel elements with uranium-plutonium mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in the MIR research reactor. Based on the results of irradiation and …
Nuclear Equipment
Rosatom Commissions the Creation of Aluminium Robots to Be Used in Nuclear Reactors
Rosatom encouraged the Special Design & Technological Bureau of Applied Robotics to create an amphibious robot that can work in emergency situations at nuclear …
KGHM to Cooperate on Smrs With Industrial Zone
Polish copper and silver producer KGHM Polska Miedź SA has signed a letter of intent with the Legnica Special Economic Zone (LSEZ) to cooperate in research and…
Hydrogen Production
Rolls-Royce SMR Puts Case for Producing Hydrogen
UK-based Rolls-Royce SMR says a joint feasibility report produced with Sumitomo Corporation shows its small modular reactors have an advantage over other availa…
Nuclear Reactor
Westinghouse to Enhance Safety of Ukrainian VVER-440s
Westinghouse has signed a contract with Ukraine's Energoatom to design, manufacture and deliver long-term containment cooling systems (LCCS) as part of the …
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