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Energy Technology
Animation of Hydraulic Fracturing
Safe, cost-effective refinements in hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of oil and natural gas from tig…
Energy Technology
The World’s First Room Temperature Superconductor Is Here
For the first time ever, researchers have created a material that acts as a superconductor at nearly room temperature.
Nuclear Technology
MITAB20-Ian-Stable Salt Reactors - A New Platform Technology in Nuclear Fission
MITAB20-Ian-Stable Salt Reactors - a new platform technology in nuclear fission.
Hydrogen Technology
Cardiff Company Developing Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Backed by UK Gov
A Cardiff company developing a pilot project to deliver goods between Bristol and the Welsh capital using a hydrogen-powered electric aircraft has been backed b…
GE Supports Spain's Decarbonization Goals with Green Gas for Grid Technology
This marks the first introduction of a g3 substation in Spain and the first time the technology has been integrated into a mobile substation.
Battery Recycling
New Method to Recover Silicon from End-of-Life Modules
Scientists at India's SSN College of Engineering have developed a new thermal pyrolysis process to recycle silicon in end-of-life solar panels.
Nuclear Power Plant
Rolls-Royce and Exelon Sign MoU on Nuclear Power Stations Operations
Industrial technology company Rolls-Royce has signed a memorandum of understanding with Exelon Generation for the operation of compact nuclear power stations in…
Hydrogen Technology
EMEC Adds Storage to Tidal for Hydrogen Boost
The European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, Scotland, is to deploy an Invinity Energy Systems flow battery at its tidal energy test site on the island of Eday …
Nuclear waste
Priority Demolition Completed at California Legacy Site
The last of 10 buildings at the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility at the Energy Technology Engineering Center in Ventura County, California have been demo…
Wind Turbine
ANKER Develops Precast Foundations for Wind Turbines
The German start-up company ANKER Foundations GmbH has developed a new type of technology for building foundations for wind turbines.
Tidal Energy
Canada Backs Nova Scotia Tidal Array
Government provides C$28.5m for Sustainable Marine's Plat-I platform in the waters of Grand Passage.
Shell Technology Evaluated for Carbon Dioxide Capture Project
If implemented, it will be the first low-pressure, post-combustion CO2 capture application for a biomass-fired power station and one that will result in carbon…
IMSR® Enables a Cost-Competitive, Clean Hybrid Energy System
IMSR® power plants use truly innovative nuclear technology to be safe, reliable, clean and low-cost, making them today’s alternative to fossil fuel combusti…
Nuclear Technology
Cold Testing Completed at China’s HTR-PM Unit 2
China National Nuclear Corporation announced that cold testing had been completed at unit 2 of the demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled pebble-bed module r…
Nuclear Technology
UK’s Core Power Supports Molten Salt Reactor Development
UK-based Core Power said that it has joined an international team to develop Molten Salt Reactor technology that could be used to power ships.
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