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Coal-Fired Power Plants
Indonesia's Biggest 2 X 1000 MW Coal-based Thermal Power Plant is Officially Operational
"The USC technology is projected to increase generator efficiency by 15 percent rather than non-USC while lowering the cost of fuel per kilo watt-hour. This sim…
New Technology
Wärtsilä Provieds Its Modular Block Solution for Power Generation to Aggreko
The technology group Wärtsilä announces the first order of its innovative new Wärtsilä Modular Block solution for power generation to Aggreko, a global prov…
EV Technology
Deakin University Begins Testing of Hydrogen Truck Concept
Deakin University announced this week that the new Hydrogen Transition Centre will be created at its Warrnambool campus, a first step on the road to establishin…
GenCell Develops Electric Generator Based on Hydrogen Energy Technology
GenCell, an Israeli company, has developed an electric generator that uses hydrogen energy technology to generate clean power in place of using diesel fuel, a f…
Solar Technology
A Flaky Option Boosts Organic Solar Cells
An inexpensive material, made from tungsten disulfide flakes just a few atoms thick, has helped to improve the performance of organic solar cells1.
Solar Technology
Artificial Intelligence May Help Scientists Make Spray-on Solar Cells
Artificial Intelligence may be just the thing to accelerate spray-on solar cell technology, which could revolutionize how consumers use energy.
New Technology
Estonian Scientists Use Silver for Next Generation of Solar Cells
Materials researchers at Estonia’s Tallinn University of Technology partially substituted copper with silver in solar cells’ absorber material to improve the …
Nuclear Technology
Australia Taking First Steps towards Nuclear Energy
Australia’s Parliament presented this week a report that outlines a series of measures to take into consideration if the country wants to move forward with the…
Coal Technology
China's Changing Coal Landscape Crucial to Global Outlook
Most Chinese nitrogen capacity uses coal (anthracite and bituminous) as feedstock, meaning it is exposed to China's increasingly strict policies around air poll…
Clean Coal
WCA: CCS Regains Momentum but More Ambition Needed
The Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI) has published its annual ‘Global Status of CCS’ report. CCS, or ‘Carbon capture and storage’ is a pr…
Solar Power for Home
Tesla Unveils 15.4 kW Home Solar System
Tesla launched a solar rental service under which homeowners can get a solar panel system for just $50 per month, according to the Electrek
New Technology
Scientists Convert Plastics Into Useful Chemicals for Fuel Cells Using Sunlight
Chemists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have discovered a method that could turn plastic waste into valuable chemicals by using …
Oil and Gas Technology
South Korean Biochem Company Starts Biodiesel-Petrol Mix Production
SK Chemicals, South Korea's top biofuel producer, has begun research to mix its biodiesel with petroleum-based fuels to produce low-sulfur marine oil that will …
Offshore Wind Power
A New Technology to Save the Region's Coastline from Being Ruined
While renewable energy is widely supported, there are concerns the associated onshore infrastructure, including substations, could risk "industrialising" the re…
Help Save The Planet With The Best Energy Efficient HVAC Systems
HVAC is an old technology that was not always built with the environment in mind. Vista College has pointed out that this is changing. HVAC systems are being bu…
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